Where And How Do You Sell Your House?
Okay, a question I’ve seen come up is, should you sell your house on Craigslist? We’ve all heard of Craigslist and now also Facebook Marketplace. And the answer is maybe because do legitimate home buyers buy on Craigslist? Absolutely. Will you get people that try to scam you? Absolutely. Is either guaranteed, no. So the answer is it’s really up to you. You could put it out on Craigslist and it would work great. You could put it out there and someone could try to scam you and everything in between. So the key when you’re selling your house is make sure you know what you’re doing and if not, enlist the help of a professional. That way you’re protected. Now Facebook marketplace a little bit better in my opinion, but, you know, someone else may feel differently. It is just an opinion. But the reality is you could sell it on Facebook marketplace, and it seems like the chances of success and better clientele is higher. However, are their scams on Facebook? Yes. Are there, people are going to try to portray themselves as someone, they’re not, a hundred percent. So in reality, you could use either to sell your property, just know that there are risks that the majority of people in both venues are good people. But you just have to be aware that you could come across, someone tries to scam you, portray themselves as someone they’re not, and who knows whatever else. You know, sometimes people can be very creative, and so you just have to be prudent. Okay? And again, if there’s any doubt, just hire a professional because they deal with this every day. They see the trends usually on what scammers try to do, you know, to make sure, I mean, you’re talking about selling your property, it’s a big investment. You want to make sure you do it right and you don’t want to put yourself in any position of unnecessary risk. But by the same token, you don’t have to fear doing it. Okay? Just be smart about it wise, get the right help. And who knows either of those two avenues could be a great way to sell your property. Thanks.