The Seven Fatal Mistakes Sellers Make
that You Should be Aware of
What are the fatal mistakes sellers make with their property that cost them time and money?

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Here are seven errors that you should avoid:
Fatal Mistake #1 –
Not Selling to Proven Buyers
Everyone wants to be a real estate investor and flip houses like in the TV shows. However, the reality is nothing like what we see on the small screen because these are just for entertainment. The reality is that there are real people that need to sell and lots of buyers who never buy anything.
Sell to people who have a proven track record. We have that every day.
Fatal Mistake #2 –
Relying on Realtors Who Just Want a Listing
We have Realtors on our team as well and sometimes it is best to sell with a Realtor. However, bear in mind that many Realtors will sell you a dream for the listing and never produce the results you seek. We have had our fair share of calls from frustrated Sellers as a result.
We will tell you the value of the property for what it is, not what we hope it is just for you to be disappointed later.
Fatal Mistake #3 –
Taking the Highest Offer with an Unproven Buyer
We know you want the best price you can get. Who wouldn’t? However many Buyers offer too much and then can’t close the deal because they didn’t realize what they were getting into.
That’s not us. We will tell you what we can offer and why. If it works, we will get the deal done. And we have the track record to prove it.
Fatal Mistake #4 –
Failure to Disclose Problems
If something is wrong with your property, tell us. It’s not like we haven’t seen the issue before. It is easier to tell us everything that is a problem up front than us telling you later. If we tell you later, sometimes the deal ends up not working and we don’t like that. We prefer win-wins and you play a part in that.
Fatal Mistake #5 –
Being Inflexible to Solutions
Sometimes the all-cash offer may not work for whatever reason. If this happens, be open to other solutions. We have seen A LOT of sellers dig in their heels only to have the property fail to sell for months, even years. As the saying goes, keep an open mind. More progress is almost always the result.
Fatal Mistake #6 –
Not Paying the Bank, Government or Any Other Liens
If you have a mortgage, pay it. If you can’t, tell us so we can get you the best solution. If you have unpaid taxes, pay them. If you can’t, just let us know. If there are liens on the property, tell us about them. In other words, tell us everything you can so we know what we are dealing with. It is frustrating to you and us to find these things out later and it can significantly hurt the potential of the deal working.
Fatal Mistake #7 –
Forgetting This Is a People Business
Real Estate can be the biggest asset you ever sell. We understand a lot of emotion can go along with this process. Just remember that the Buyers are people too therefore mutual respect and open communication are the keys to success. If a challenge comes up whether expected or unexpected, we are here to walk with you to solve it to the best of our abilities together.